journals pricing

"Говорят, готовится приказ, - сказал Стоян. - У кого меньше пятнадцати статей, все пройдут обработку."
From the life of one scientific institution.

Iceland is a unique country in many respects. One of these respects is that the whole Icelandic population (technically, any machine with Icelandic IP) has access to a bundle of journals subscription normally (i.e., in other countries) available to academic institutions only. On August 29 2009, randomly browsing through the website of Icelandic Consortia for electronic subscription, I stumbled upon their internal stuff (available at the time at (now defunct) offers from Springer, Elsevier, and the likes, minutes of meetings for 2005-2009, prices, etc. I guess this provides a rare (though outdated by now) glimpse into what is going behind-the-scenes in the hot issue of journals pricing.

Around the same time, I tried to submit it to Wikileaks, and had a brief email exchange with (now-famous) Julian Assange, but he quickly lost interest: after all, as we all know now, he is after much bigger things.

So here is this data for posterity:

Created: Sat Jan 20 2001
Last modified: Sun Sep 27 07:42:31 CEST 2015