Die ganzen Zahlen hat der liebe Gott gemacht, alles andere ist Menschenwerk.
Leopold Kronecker
Pasha Zusmanovich

6ALGS Algebraic Structures, summer semester 2024/2025

Tuesday 11:00-approx.14:00 (depending on the breaks)   G401

LITERATURE (see here for the precise titles and further info)
Main: Additional:
A brief presentation covering some of the topics: pdf TeX (referred below as "Slides")
Group Explorer

(each class lasted approximately 3 hours, unless specified otherwise)

Class 1 February 11, 2025:
Organizational issues. General notion of an algebraic system. The idea of symmetries. Symmetries of an equilateral triangle form the group \(S_3\). Definition of a group, examples of groups (permutations, matrices, residues from the division by \(n\)). Subgroup. Abelian groups. Abel. The inverse of an element in a group is unique. Groups of order 1,2,3.
(Slides, pp.3-9; Lang, pp.7-9; Mac Lane-Birkhoff, pp.43-48,50,63-64; Carter, pp.3-21,25-40,45,48-51,78-80; Shafarevich, pp.96-102,108,110; Vinberg, pp.139-140).

Class 2 February 18, 2025:
Subgroup generated by a subset. Homomorphism, isomorphism, automorphism of groups, examples. Automorphism group. Inner automorphisms. Cyclic groups. Order of an element of a group. Direct product of groups (defintion).
(Slides, pp.10-11,17-18; Lang, pp.8-10,26; Mac Lane-Birkhoff, pp.43-44,46; Carter, pp.117-121,159-163; Shafarevich, pp.104-105; Vinberg, pp.163-165).

Class 3 February 25, 2025:
Discussion of homeworks 1-3. Two non-isomorphic groups of order 4. Center of a group, examples. The special linear group. Properties of the direct product: center, order of elements. Cosets, decomposition of a group with respect to subgroup. Lagrange's theorem. Normal subgroups, examples.
(Slides, p.12; Lang, pp.13-14; Mac Lane-Birkhoff, pp.72-74; Carter, pp.102-108; Shafarevich, pp.105-106,109; Vinberg, pp.155-158,161).

Class 4 March 4, 2025:
Discussion of homeworks 4-7. The center is a normal subgroup, inner automorhisms form a normal subgroup in the group of automorphisms. Quotients. Kernel of a homomorphism. The first homomorphism theorem. Simple groups.
(Slides, pp.12-15,24; Lang, pp.11-14,16; Mac Lane-Birkhoff, pp.pp.75-77,79-80; Carter, pp.132-139,163-169; Shafarevich, pp.106-107,109; Vinberg, pp.161-162,165-168,404-405).


A brief synopsis, videos, and homeworks from this course at the previous semesters

Created: Tue Feb 23 2021
Last modified: Tue Mar 4 2025 18:56:55 CET