6TEKA/7TEKA/TEKAT Category Theory, winter semester 2020/2021


Homework 10 (2 points).
Prove that the map from \(\mathbf{Group}\) to itself, sending a group to its commutator, cannot be made a functor. The statement to prove was wrong: the map sending a group to its commutator, is a functor!

Homework 11 (0.5 points).
Give an example of a category which is isomorphic to its own opposite.

Homework 13 (1 point).
Is it true that for any two monoids \(M\) and \(N\), the categories \(\mathbf{C}_M\) and \(\mathbf{C}_N\) are equivalent if and only if they are isomorphic?

Homework 14 (1 point).
Whether there exist two equivalent categories, one of which is small, and another is large?

Homework 16 (1 point).
What will be the adjoint functor to the functor \(\mathbf{Set} \to \mathbf{Top}\), assigning to each set the topological space on this set with the trivial topology?

Created: Fri Oct 23 2020
Last modified: Thu Dec 09 19:26:10 Central Europe Standard Time 2021