6/7TEKA Category Theory, winter semester 2021/2022


Homework 2
Following the pattern in definitions of isomorphism of groups, rings, etc., give the definition of isomorphism of orders. How many non-isomorphic orders are there on the set of 3 elements?

Homework 4
Is it true that any semigroup consisting of a) 1 element b) 2 elements, is a group?
List of semigroups consisting of 2 elements.

Homework 5
Let \(K\) be a field, and \(X\) and \(Y\) are two sets such that \(K[X] \simeq K[Y]\) (recall that \(K[X]\) is the polynomial algebra with the set \(X\) as indeterminates). Prove that \(X\) and \(Y\) have the same cardinality.
Try to find a proof using the universal property of polynomial algebras. Such proof is not possible.

Created: Thu Sep 23 2021
Last modified: Tue Nov 8 18:14:48 CET 2022