Rules for taking exams
All exams are oral and "open book", unless indicated otherwise. This means
that at the exam, during the preparation of your answer (normally 1-1.5 hours)
you will be allowed to use any sources -- books, notes, online material, etc.
Register for the exam in the system, so I will know the exact number of people
coming to the exam; if you do not register, I assume you are not comig.
Bring with you pens, paper, and anything else you need for writing, I will
not provide for these.
Erasmus students: do not ask me in advance about the date of the exam, do not
worry about it in advance, and plan your Christmas trip(s) as you need it.
Closer to the end of semester, we will negotiate the exam term(s) to the mutual
If you want to extend your examination period, do not ask me -- this is not in
my hands -- but the study department.
Created: Mon Dec 18 2023
Last modified: Fri Jan 31 2025 13:14:42 CET