M. Starbird and F. Su, Topology Through Inquiry, MAA Press, 2019
All the books are available in electronic form in multiple places.
= available in
the university library
Class 1 September 24, 2024
Organizational details. The subject of topology. Definition of a topological
space. Examples of topological spaces: trivial and discrete topology,
topologies on 0-, 1- and 2-element sets, the standard topology on \(\mathbb R\).
Number of topologies on a finite set.
Finer and coarser topologies. Closed sets. The closed interval in \(\mathbb R\)
is closed in the standard topology.
Clopen sets.
A parody of an episode from the movie
"The Bunker"
featuring clopen sets.
([V], pp. xi-xii, 11-14; Munkres, p.76).
Class 2 October 1, 2024
More examples: topologies on finite sets, the arrow.
Cantor set as an example
of a closed set. Base of a topology, examples. Any base of the standard topology
on \(\mathbb R\) can be decreased.
([V], pp.11-12,16).
Class 3 October 8, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 1,2. Criteria for a set to be a base
([V],p.16,3.A,3.B,3.C). Criterion for a topology to be coarser
(Munkres, Lemma 13.3).The standard topology on \(\mathbb R^2\).
([V], pp.16-17).
Class 4 October 15, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 3,4. Metric spaces, 0-1 metric, Euclidean metric,
Manhattan metric, metrics on finite sets. Restriction of a metric to a subspace.
Balls and spheres. Metric topology.
([V], pp.18-20,22).
Class 5 October 22, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 5,6. Metrizability of topological spaces, examples of
metrizable and non-metrizable spaces. Operations on metrics. Separation
property. Metric topology always satisfies the separation property. Topological
equivalence and metric equivalence of metrics. If \(\rho\) is a metric, then
\(\frac{\rho}{1+\rho}\) is a metric.
([V], pp.22-23; Munkres, pp.119-122).
Class 6 October 29, 2024
Metric equivalence implies topological equivalence. If \(\rho\) is a metric,
then \(\frac{\rho}{1+\rho}\) is a topologically equivalent, but not necessary
metrically equivalent, metric. Subspace topology, examples. Interior.
([V], pp.23,27-29; Munkres, pp.88-90).
video (partially)
Class 7 November 5, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 7-10. Closure, boundary. Definition of continuous and
open (i.e., an image of an open set is open) maps. \(x \mapsto x^2\) is
continuous but not open. Equivalent conditions for continuity.
([V], pp.30-31,59; Munkres, pp.102-103).
Class 8 November 12, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 11-13. The continuity of a map \(f: X \to Y\) is
equivalent to each of the following conditions:
f^{-1}(Cl(B)) \supseteq Cl(f^{-1}(B)) \text{ for any } B \subseteq Y \\
f^{-1}(Int(B)) \subseteq Int(f^{-1}(B)) \text{ for any } B \subseteq Y \\
f(Cl(A)) \subseteq Cl(f(A)) \text{ for any } A \subseteq X \\
f(Int(A)) \supseteq Int(f(A)) \text{ for any } A \subseteq X .
Further examples and non-examples of continuous maps. Continuity at a point.
Equivalence with the \(\epsilon-\delta\) definiton of continuity from analysis
in the case of metric topologies. Homeomorphisms (definition, elementary
([V], pp.60-61,67; Munkres, pp.102-105).
Class 9 November 19, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 14-16. Homeomorphisms of a topological space to itself
form a group. Examples of homeomorphisms: subspace topologies on various sets in
\(\mathbb R\) and \(\mathbb R^2\). Planes with punctures are homeomorphic (in
the subspace topology of the standard topology) iff the cardinalities of the
sets of punctured points are the same (done partially).
([V], pp.69-70,72; Munkres, pp.105-106).
Class 10 November 26, 2024
Connectedness, examples of connected, disconnected, and totally disconnceted
topological spaces, connected subsets, connected components.
([V], pp.83-86).
Class 11 December 3, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 17-21. Connected subsets of \(\mathbb R\) with the
standard topology are exactly all kind of intervals (open, closed, semiopen,
semiinfinite), singletons, and the whole \(\mathbb R\). Topological
generalization of the Intermediate Value Theorem from basic analysis: an image
of a continuous map from a connected topological space to \(\mathbb R\) with the
standard topology, is an interval. Using connectedness to prove
non-homeomorphism of topological spaces.
([V], pp.87,89).
(sluggish, barely usable)
Class 12 December 10, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 22-23. Compact space, compact subspace: definition,
examples and non-examples. Heine-Borel theorem in topological setting.
Compactness is preserved under continuous maps.
([V], pp.108-111).
(sluggish, barely usable)
Class 13 December 17, 2024
Discussion of homeworks 24-27. Product topology. Quotient topology.
([V], pp.136-137,142,145-148).